Manual Lymphatic Drainage (Post Operative)

Welcome to the wonderful world of Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD). You are about to embark on a holistic journey that will stimulate the most powerful system of detoxification for the human body. This course is designed specifically for post operative and the protocols.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage has many benefits and we will introduce you to the principles and practice of lymphatic drainage for the entire body. 

Learn MLD Post Operative

What the benefits?

Healing After Surgery Manual lymph drainage can help with healing after surgery. This technique assists in regeneration of cellular tissues to reduce scarring, reduction of swelling and detoxification the body. *Make sure client is medically cleared before giving a treatment Improved Immune System The immune system is tied to the lymphatic system. In fact, if flow of lymphatic materials slows, the immune system weakens. Lymph drainage can improve the function and increase the production of antibodies that fight off infections as well as reduce systemic inflammation. Relaxation Lymph drainage is especially relaxing because the slow, methodical rhythm and pressure and repetitive motion allows for the brain to relax and elicit the parasympathetic nervous system to slow heart rate, increase glandular activity, reduce pain and promote general vitality and wellbeing. Decongestive Effect Any swelling of the body, except for cardiac or renal edema, can be treated with MLD. The lymphatic system is a “one-way street” to transport cellular waste from tissue and dispose back into the circulatory system.

This is a hybrid course whereby you access the online portal to learn the theory and then attend an in person masterclass.

Learn the techniques to perform the treatment safely


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days after you enroll

CPD Accredited

Once you have completed the masterclass you will be presented with an Accredited certificate. which will enable you to obtain insurance.

Gold Status Academy